192 - Souper Shoulders

Nick the Rat stops by for a super serious conversation about super soldiers and human-animal hybrids.

Tune in to the sewer every Wednesday night at NicktheRat.com as well as NoAgendaStream.com and Twitch!

Executive Producer: NetNed

183 - Pretty Nuts

D.U.M.B.s, human sacrifice and a Man in Black dark predictions for the future. Medus joins the show!

  • MedusPod

  • Fun Fact Friday

Scroll down for some wonky AI art:

182 - Mi Vida Loca

Dean Reiner of the Up Is Down podcast joins. New segment is introduced. We talk about wild animals. More.

Scroll down for dumb AI hotdog art and more AI art bellow:

181 - Actorvists

We take a deeper look at the birds aren’t real movement with Boo-Bury of Behind the Sch3m3s (live every night at 10:30pm eastern at BadRadio.live.

178 - ELE

This here is a chat about the nature of consciousness, reality and the afterlife with Sir A1 Sauce (@zoon) and it’s a thing to listen to. Check out his great podcast The Spoken Word at TheSource.io.

Here’s some AI art that I been churning out: