154 - Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich In Minecraft

Cretched (OBDM) and Fletcher (Hog Story) join for a chat on the recent Texas incident.

  • OBDM (live on Wednesdays and Saturdays)

  • Hog Story (live on Mondays and Thursdays)

Episode art by Boo- Bury (Behind the Sch3m3s)

143 - An Homage To OBDM

Earl Mittens (of a world distant) joins for a conversation about some of the early unsung heroes of truth seeking, mayonanaise, cocaine cigaretts, but mainly about how good OBDM is. Fletcher calls in.

Shownotes by Sir Earl Mittens:

137 - Skanksland

Alex Stein (Conspiracy Castle) and Charlie Robinson (Macroagressions) combine forces for this episode revisiting the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Big thanks to Bags for the episode art!