Fan Favorites
From the Archives
(in chronologicAL ORDER):
Briney, ITM reddit, and Clockwork Elves (with Darren O)
Moon Landing Debunked (with Medus)
Dogman (with Dean Reiner)
JFK Assassination (with Bowl After Bowl)
Eating Ass (with Meep)
Tap Water (with Moe Factz)
Rob Dew Returns (with Rob Dew)
100th Episode Supercut (Featuring John C Dvorak and many more)
Dead Babies (with Those Conspiracy Guys)
108 (with Dick Masterson) - best paired with 122 (with Vito)
Space is Fake and Gay (with DGRP and Medus)
Satanic Music Industry (with Lavish and Fletcher)
Shady Mass Shootings (with Moe Factz, ThatLarryShow, Cretched and Boo-Bury)
Battle of the Douchebags: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, THE FINAL SHOWDOWN
Battle of the Douchebags Season 2: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (Dead Douchebags), Part 4
9/11 Revisited (with Alex Stein and Charlie Robinson)
Fake Moon Landing (with Bart Sibrel)
X-22 Review (with ThatLarryShow, NetNed and Karl from WATP)
Bert Sucks (with ThatLarryShow and Karl from WATP)
Episode 200 (Crank Call Rewind) and Episode 204 (Crank Calling to End the Writers Strike)
Maniacal Megachurches (with Rev. Doc. Phifer)