257 - Shim Twoer

Part II of our series on clones and clone accessories: Raël / the new Yeezy / call with a follower of Raël / Cloning is bullshit / AW HELL NAH NOT Cloned Meat / Joo Cloned Tyrone / what if we’re all squidward / and more.

251 - Waluigi Board

The honorable Reverend Doctor Phifer joins for an spoopy halloween episode. We go into the satanic panic and also oprah or reba or whatever her name was. The one that gave away the cars and had the tv show reba.

Be sure to check out The Two Hour Folk Hour broadcast live at 10am on Sundays and Thursdays.

Listen to the new hit song: Tiddies In My Face (.Y.) [Full ovvrdos album in the works!]

PLEASE subscribe to the new show I do with JonBreaksBadNews HERE ON YOUTUBE because we need it :}

Episode art by Walloweem

You can tune in live to every show at podtard.com - Follow @absna6pack for announcements as to when we go live.

250 - Battle of the Douchebags: S2E6

I don’t know who created pokemon go, but it’s another nail-biting douche battle with Cretched (OBDM), JonBreaksBadNews (JonBreaksBadNews / The Most Embarrassing Show), Rob Dew (InfoWars / Grunyons) and Boo-Bury (Behind the Sch3m3s).

Executive Producers: Cousin Vito - Boo-Bury - Nessworks

246 - Dreams IV (No Watch)

Yet another installment in the dream series. Stay tuned through this end of this one, mane. Trust me, it gets crazy homie: NC cumfart / dream recorder / recent dreams / voicemails / ey yoo think dreams could mean somethin joey? / I’m trying to HGHGgUH / stay lucid / DARPA dream tech / etc

Hey DARPA. How’s it goin. Interesting dream you gave me. :)

Be sure to catch Bowl After Bowl and catch Spencer and Laurien LIVE every Tokin’ Tuesday 10pm eastern/9pm central, as well as Homegrown Hits every Thursday!