
250 - Battle of the Douchebags: S2E6

I don’t know who created pokemon go, but it’s another nail-biting douche battle with Cretched (OBDM), JonBreaksBadNews (JonBreaksBadNews / The Most Embarrassing Show), Rob Dew (InfoWars / Grunyons) and Boo-Bury (Behind the Sch3m3s).

Executive Producers: Cousin Vito - Boo-Bury - Nessworks

117 - Co-In-Fill-Host

Nathan Lee aka Occult Fan joins Sir SirSeatSitter and Quirkess for an esoterical mystical flow of consciousness chat and it’s a good’n!

Executive Producer: TheLoneWolf

Big thanks to Nick the Rat (Nick The Rat Radio) for the episode art!