Episode 79 - Fort Good Pt. 3 - DOGMAN

Part Three: Dean Reiner of the Up Is Down Podcast comes back locked and loaded with an incredible presentation about the mysterious and terrifying Dogman.

Executive Producer of Episode 79 - Medus: Fun Fact Friday / Medus Pod

Be sure to listen to Up Is Down and provide Dean with the value that he greatly deserves! (Up is Down V4V)

Episode shownotes courtesy of Dean Reiner:

Dog Headed tribes of antiquity:

Canid Deities:

(Something left out of that article : The being, Fenrir (or Fenriz) a dogman, is the son of Loki, who himself is often depicted in contemporary art and literature as a massive dog, or sometimes a Dire Wolf)

Contemporary Dogman Stories:

Ft. Bragg soldier’s body found after attack:

Sonic Defense/Attack:

Sirius Star/ET aspects: